Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Socially Responsible Investing

Fiona Benny and S. Santhosh Kumar
Fiona Benny, Research Scholar, School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology S. Santhosh Kumar, Professor, School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology


SRI, or socially responsible investing, is an investment strategy that tries to produce profits while simultaneously fostering favourable social and environmental results. SRI has grown in popularity despite being once regarded as a very unconventional method. 85% of individual investors, up from 75% in 2017, expressed interest in sustainable investment, according to a 2019 Morgan Stanley survey. Due to the rising popularity of this investment discipline, research on socially responsible investment (SRI) is gaining importance recently. Therefore, the current attempt is to identify the key topics and the contemporary SRI research dynamics by employing bibliometric analysis using VOS Viewer software. The present study identified the most significant journals, authors, countries, articles, and themes in the field of SRI by conducting a bibliometric analysis of around 297 articles from 1993 to 2023 extracted from the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database.

Keywords: Socially Responsible Investing, ESG investing, Citation Analysis, Bibliometric Analysis

Received on: 06/01/2023, Revised on: 10/01/2023, Accepted on: 16/01/2023, Published on: 05/05/2023

SMS Journal of Business Management

  • Cited by: 31-40
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